Tastes like horseshit.

Then why are you drinking it?

I frowned.Tommy makes me.

Then I assume it’s for your own good.

I slowly straightened, my mouth full of the carrot juice. As though she had a radar, Tommy whipped around.

“What is it?” she demanded. “Don’t spit that out.”


Yes, my beauty.

I spat the juice out over the bench, startling everyone in the kitchen. My guards tensed, immediately on high alert.

Falling off the stool, I barely had the presence of mind to keep my speed regulated for my human staff as I raced toward the thrumming of Kyros.

He was by the pool.

It wasn’t the first time he’d come closer. I’d feel him in Orange or Black sometimes—occasionally right on the border of Black and the Estates.

Never this close.

Never on my property.

This had to mean something. I couldn’t bear it if he left again.

It means something.

His voice rumbled through me, eliciting a sob. I tore out of the patio and rested my eyes upon him for the first time in four months.

My feet stilled as I looked upon him. The icy winter wind whipped my hair around my face, and I lifted a hand to push back the obstacle to my vision.

He was here, but I didn’t know how to go to him.

It meant too much.

Like I could shatter into a million pieces by taking a single step closer.

My eyes drank him in—because if that was all I got of him, I’d take whatever scraps possible.

He wore a green shirt, sleeves rolled to expose his muscular forearms. He’d partnered it with khakis. If there was one thing I loved more than my vampire in a suit, it was seeing him dress smart casual.

Because that look belonged to me.

Come to me, my beauty.

I startled at sounds behind me.

Tommy was out of breath, even though she’d been joining me in the pool each morning. My guards hadn’t overtaken me, so I could assume they’d figured out Kyros was here.

Tommy gave me a not-so-gentle shove. “What the fuck are you waiting for? Go get him, tiger.”

Kyros strode toward me, done with waiting.

I ran.