The tap of Sir Olythieu’s cane announced his arrival.
He set his case on the table, taking both my hands. Bending, he dropped a kiss on the back of each.
“Sir Olythieu,” I said in a trembling voice. He was the one I least expected to be here. Not because he didn’t love me,becausehe did love me—and was just like my grandmother. Totally unpredictable and unrelenting.
“That’s uncle to you,” he scolded.
“Sir Uncle,” I replied impishly.
He pursed his lips against a smile. “A sound compromise.” His face hardened as he faced the royals. “I am compelled and cannot directly transfer to Clan Sundulus.”
I arched a brow.Of coursemy oldies thought of that.
“My Bluff City assets have been gifted to Basilia. She may do what she wishes with them. If she chooses tolendthem to you, the assets will afterwards revert to her again. My international assets will be kept for my children—with whom I never had a relationship. I pushed them away because of you. Their survival has been my one triumph in life, but it has been a cold one.”
Queen Titania dropped her gaze.
“The locks on my mind will be removed tomorrow at 9:00 a.m.,” he said in a voice that brooked no defiance. “You can be assured that if anyone but this young woman came to us and asked us to save you, they’d be six feet under and rotting in their grave by now.”
King Julius wasn’t cowed by the man beside me.
… If Sir Olythieu was a vampire, I wonder who would win between them.
I kissed his cheek, and he cupped my face between his wrinkled hands.
“You were right,” he said. “Agatha only wanted you to be happy. Forgive an old fool?”
I gripped his hands. “You’re many things, but a fool isn’t often one of them.”
“I give you a portion of my wealth and you give me a backhanded compliment.”
Choking on a laugh, I pulled away.
He untangled himself, and Mrs Syrre took his place.
She copied Sir Olythieu’s approach, signing over her assets to me to lend to Clan Sundulus as I chose, but the sadness in her huge emerald eyes was almost worse. Neelan fidgeted in his seat, and I was glad she’d managed to get under his skin.
Mr Dithis’s suitcase was huge.
It was a feat that he managed to collect the documents in only three days.
“My assets will revert back to me,” he said, cocking his head my way. “Most of my wealth is in this city, so unless you want to care for me when I’m old, I need my money back.”
He was compelled to Fyrlia and could deal with Sundulus directly. A relief, really. I didn’t want to be responsible for all their wealth too.
I smiled. “I’d care for you.”
His brown eyes softened. “I might hold you to that, sweetheart.”
Frowning, I searched for Kyros. Oh my god. Was he jealous?
He’s my uncle, Kyros.
How can you care for him when you’ll be caring for me?It was immediately followed by,He’ll be dead within ten years.
I gasped.