I turned to him, and he inclined his head. The action was echoed by his queen and children. Behind him, Clan Sundulus went a step further, bowing at the waist.

A phone buzzed.

Glancing back, I watched Tommy rattle off a text on my phone.

Lifting her head, she winked at me.

The doors boomed open.

Fred walked in, escorting Lady Treena.

I jerked, sucking in a breath. My legs remembered how to work, and I hurried to intercept them.

“Aunt Treena,” I said in a low voice. “What are you doing here?”

Glaring at Fred, I returned my focus to her familiar face.

She held her champagne chute aloft. “The thing about forcing people onto planes is you must ensure they actually leave.”

Kyros’s grim amusement rocketed through our bond, and I shoved back with a mental pout that only made him want to pin me down and bite me.

I peeked past her to see the rest of my oldies trailing into the amphitheatre.

Dammit.Each of them had dealt with vampires for at least fifteen years, but that didn’t stop me from worrying about their hearts. I never intended for them to be in the room with both clans.

Lady Treena rested her free hand on my cheek. “You don’t thinkwewould miss this, do you, darling goddaughter?”

… Maybe not.

I rested my hand over hers. “No, Aunt. Of course not.”

Taking her arm, I led her to the royal table. She clicked her fingers at Fred, who placed a case on the table and opened it.

“All of my Bluff City assets were going to my goddaughter upon my death anyway. I never had children because I couldn’t bear to bring them into contact with your race. Basilia has been my only joy over the years. If I trusted her with my money after my death, then I don’t see the point mistrusting her with everything when I’mnearlydead,” she said, sniffing as she studied the vampires with disdain.

She extracted the top document, sliding it into the middle of the table. “These are my conditions. Most echo those in her own contracts. Mine has the addition that my assets will revert to Basilia after the game is won.”

She’d managed to strike twenty royal vampires speechless.

I bit back my smile.

Lady Treena faced King Mikael—her tormentor—and held her chute aloft. “Fuck you, Mikael. I hope you rot in hell.”

She brought the chute to her lips, tipped her head back, and my jaw dropped as she skulled the contents as only a lady could.

Aunt Treena just drank her champers. The proceedings should shock me more, butthattook the cake.


“I hope he’s worth it, Basilia,” she said to me.

A lump rose in my throat. “I hope you’ll see that for yourself.Thank you, Aunt Treena.”

“So like Agatha,” she whispered back, a tear sliding down her cheek.

Leaning down, I kissed her cheek.

Neelan took the conditions to his father while Dierdre took the suitcase to Clan Leith.