“Slow down.”

In reply, I wrenched down on the wheel to circle us around, gauging the distance between us and the cliff edge. “What if I could give you proof that I trust you with my life?”

Kyros whipped his head to me. “You can’t.”

My heart spluttered uselessly in my chest. I gripped the wheel, firming my resolve on the fucking craziness I was about to unleash.

“I can. In the boot. There’s a bag.”

He stared at me. “No there’s not.”

I groaned. “Because you look there all the freakin’ time? Check the damned boot.”

Massive vampire in an itty-bitty space? He lowered his seat back and wrangled his way onto the back seat.

As soon as he pulled the seat down and stretched into the trunk, I planted my foot, wrenching the wheel to the right. His startled snarl was lost to the roar of the engine as we hurtled toward the cliff ledge.




His hand closed around my seat belt.

The engine whined as the ground disappeared and I gasped as we glided straight in thin air.

The nose tipped, and a scream lodged in my throat as we plummeted down to the ocean.

Kyros ripped my seat belt off. Moving me too quickly for me to fathom up and down.

Metal screamed. Light poured in. My new senses were overloaded.Shot.

I couldn’t take it anymore—though I’d created this.

Terror forced my scream. “Kyros!”

His arms were around me. Wind rushed past as we catapulted to who knew what, and yet still his soft words were audible in my ear.

“I have you.”

He did.

So why was I afraid?

The calm spreading through me wasn’t mine but worked all the same. My head cleared, and I was able to focus on the cobalt blue rushing up to meet us.

Kyros curled around me, covering my ears an instant before we crashed through the surface.

Water closed over us.

Forever passed as we forged a path through the depths. When our downward movement stopped, Kyros kicked upward with me in tow.

Just as my chest began to tighten, we broke the surface.

The vampire whirled me to face him.

“What the fuck were you thinking?” he hissed, water dripping from his toffee hair.