He didn’t believe I had anything useful, though he had to be wondering what was in the bags. Mikael didn’t want me here because it would be harder to cleave Kyros from me after.

Good luck.

I don’t know if the thought was mine or Kyros’s, but I’d been waiting to say something for a long time.

Kyros, I need you to stay seated. This is part of the plan. The Indebted are in my employ now.

“King Mikael,” I met his gaze. “Shut the fuck up.”

The clans had looked on with nothing more than a murmur, but a shocked gasp hit me from both sides.

I didn’t even see him move.

By the time my eyes caught up, the king stood before me, his chest covered with red dots.

Snarls ripped from Kyros’s chest, but he hadn’t moved, which almost brought tears to my eyes.

Red dots covered my chest also.

“Which of us do you think has a better chance of dodging bullets?” the king asked, regaining his semblance of calm though I could tell he was taken aback.

Laurel held her gun casually as she slid from behind me to stand by my side. “Would you like me to shoot his kneecap off, Miss Le Spyre?”

I pretended to consider that. “Would it grow back?”

“If I blew the whole thing off, it would take a month or so,” she answered coolly.

Mikael’s hooded eyes slid to her, the promise of murder in every line of his face.

I folded my arms. “He’d still have another leg to get around on though.”

Vladymir’s deep voice washed over me. “I could get the other kneecap, if you like, Miss Le Spyre.”

He took up the position on my other side as Mikael’s eyes widened.

The red dots covering my body switched to the king’s.

I smirked.

Mikael studied his body before staring at the row of leather-clad vampires at his back. His mouth snapped shut. “Filthy slaves, stand down or each and every one of you will be executed.”

Holding up a finger, I tutted. “That’s incorrect, King Mikael.” I set my bag on the table, turning my face from him as I unzipped it.

“In fact,” I continued. “You’ll find that the Vissimo in Clan Sundulus and Clan Fyrlia that you mistakenly referred to as Indebted were freed of their debt three days ago. They have graciously agreed to remain in my employ.”

I didn’t need to look at the two vampires to my right to feel how much this moment meant to them.

“I suggest you take your seat, Mikael,” I murmured. “For some reason, my friends don’t like you.”

One snarl left his curled lips.

“Father,” Gina said from her seat opposite Kyros, “the faster we hear out the human trash, the faster we can destroy Sundulus.”

I ignored her.

As did Mikael.

“Do I need to remind you of Clause 15?” I asked, tilting my head.