I wondered if we were ruining the movie for everyone. “You’re on the rebound then?”

Tommy had kept to herself since learning the truth about Theodore and his brothers. She needed to talk about everything. Except whocouldshe talk to about vampires except me and those of them in my employ? I hoped we’d be enough. Her trauma could come out in any number of ways, and I knew from personal experience that grief often lured people into a false sense of security before returning for a smackdown months or years down the track.

“Sure, why not?” she said breezily, glancing around again.

That she was looking at a Vissimo to scratch the itch was kind of surprising.

I tucked my hand in hers. “As long as you’re careful. And as long as you talk to me if you’re ever not okay.”

Tommy squeezed my hand. “You know I will.” She peered at my phone. “You gonna send that or what?”

I’m going to fix this. Your family will be okay.

Kyros hadn’t replied to my first text.

Laurel tapped my knee and showed me her phone.

I scanned the flight details from Kyros.

“Tomorrow at eleven,” I murmured.

“We have orders from Kyros to ensure you get on the plane with your staff and Tommy.”

Well, that isn’t happening.

I met her blue gaze. “When do the negotiations start?”

“Eleven thirty.”

“Good.” If there was too much time between my flight and the gathering of the two clans, I had no doubt Kyros would personally come to ensure I left. He could feel my location, so I had to keep up the guise until it was too late for him to interfere.

Laurel returned her attention to the movie, and I peered down at the message I’d typed out. If Kyros suspected anything was amiss, he’d ensure I couldn’t attend the negotiations.

As much as tomorrow was about saving his family, it was also about representing my grandmother.

“I’m sick of keeping secrets from him, Tommy,” I said, moving to push the damn button.

She snatched the phone away. “Before you do though.”

“I don’t get to choose?”

“This time, I’ll let you. But listen first. From what you’ve told me, you seriously fucked up with Kyros and his family. Like really,reallybad. Like—”

I arched a brow. “I understand how epically I messed up, Tom.”

“Good,” she said. “Which leads me to my point. Kyros is a crown prince. Which means that when all goes to plan, you’ll be a princess and maybe a queen one day.”

That was a terrifying fucking thought. Did we have to go there now? I reached for the phone. “I’m sending it.”

Tommy blurted, “If you’re going to be queen one day, you need to show everyone you are a queen.”

Hand in the air, I stilled.

My bestie leaned in, expression dead serious. “Erase your mistake from their minds. Kick Fyrlia’s ass into the ground and your screw up will look like a mastermind puzzle piece in an elaborate plan. Do it byyourself, Basil, for those you love, for those who need your protection, and showthe immortal world you’re Kyros’s equal.”

I inhaled. “Wow. That’s heavy stuff. I just didn’t want to get his hopes up if I couldn’t make good on my promises.”

Tommy slapped the phone into my palm. “Become the queen or always be the princess, Basilia Le Spyre.”