“Basilia,” Kyros called from the front door.

Maybe I’d just stay quiet and—

He growled and stalked from the house toward where I sat.

Today was not a day to push me around. I’d tossed and turned all night after the call with Tommy. Plus, a peaceful doze was impossible with Kyros beating himself up so freakin’ much after acting like an asshole.

And I wanted Thai food.

I sent Kyros a flash of warning through our bond—a lion’s roar of sorts.

“That’s about as strong as a growling puppy,” he spat, striding between the two trees and stopping at the edge of the sunken pit.

Turning my face away, I stared at the rolling expanse of his garden, spotting a few Indebted in the distance. My insides twisted.

“I have time for a driving lesson now,” he said, folding his arms.

I hummed. “That’s a shame. I’m busy for the next few months. I’ll let you know if there’s an opening.”

Kyros dropped into the pit and approached me at a slow stroll. “You want to learn.”

“Someone else can teach me at the estate.”

“Basilia, just—”

I burst to my feet. “No,youjust.”

I gasped, swearing as he picked me up. Cradling me in his arm, he began striding back to the house.

When kicking proved futile, I thumped my fist on his chest. “Kyros Atagio, put me downrightthis minute.”

“Has anyone ever told you that you’re spoiled?” he murmured.

Who did he think he was fooling with his calm façade? Anger thrummed just beneath the surface of the massive vampire.

Sarcasm filled my voice. “Have you ever met a billionaire who wasn’t?”

We entered the garage, and I was transferred to the driver’s seat of his usual black car. I would have preferred the flashy orange number at the far end of the row of vehicles.

And he thoughtIwas spoiled?

“Seat belt,” he snapped, sliding into the car.

Glaring, I did as bid. “Are you going to be a dick the entire time?”

Waiting patiently as he struggled to grip the tatters of his control, I pushed the doodacky that started the car.

He took a deep breath. “Check your side and rear-view mirrors as you reverse out. Swing to the left when the front of the car is clear. We’ll practice on the front grass.”

“There’s a reverse camera.”

“That you can’t always rely upon being there. Use the mirrors.”


Touching the accelerator gently, I jolted as the car jerked back. I slammed on the brakes and whacked the wheel. “Why is every car different like that?”

Kyros hesitated before answering, “Your altered senses may have something to do with it.”