Swallowing hurt, I cleared my throat. “Okay, how’s it going to work?”

“My siblings are outside. Once I’ve bitten you, they’ll retrieve me. I’ve spoken with Laurel. She will confine you in your quarters until the end of the thrall.”

I deflated.

I’d expected to spend the thrall with him again. Which was stupid of me, really. He didn’t even want to be here, but I’d hoped he might be unable to stay away.

He watched me with cold green eyes, and I stared at his slim black tie, thinking over all the times I’d dreamed of loosening it.

“The date for end cascade negotiations is set for the seventh,” he told me in a low voice.

I glanced up. Five days from now.


I’d read through the end cascade chapter of theIngeniumrule book enough times to know what he referred to bynegotiations. Though the end cascade would be triggered, Fyrlia could spend months or years buying up the entirety of Bluff City. The rule book stated that the losing clan could call a meeting when the end cascade—the point of no return—was triggered. In exchange for surrendering on the spot, Sundulus could attempt to barter for some of the lives of the royal family.

Negotiating with King Mikael seemed like a useless pursuit. I’d managed to do so, but only because I gave him what he valued most. He’d all but wonIngenium now; there was no need for him to compromise on anything else. He’d waited for this moment for one hundred and fifty years.

“I see,” I whispered. For all their sakes, I hope Kearra was allowed to live. Surely even Mikael couldn’t be so ruthless.

Kyros stepped closer, and my stomach churned as I held myself back from running at him.

Our separation after the fifth exchange made me feel physically sick.

A whimper slipped between my teeth, and I squeezed my eyes shut.

“After the negotiations, I won’t be allowed to contact you,” Kyros said, his voice straining. “This is the last time we will see each other.”


My chest rose and fell with my shallow breaths. “Maybe in time…”

I trailed off because we both knew that wouldn’t happen.

King Julius had been convinced. Or at least, he recognised a losing battle. Mikael would keep Kyros from me no matter the cost.

His gaze darkened. “Mikael may allow me to complete the mating ritual with you if I can’t be controlled, but he’ll never permit you to become Vissimo. He’ll try to break me over the next five or six decades and wait until you die and I lose control. Then I’ll be his weapon across the ages.”

Bile threatened to make an appearance as his words hit me with the force of a sledgehammer. “That’s his plan?”

Kyros nodded. “He practiced on the triplets. He’ll do the same for me.”

My hands curled into tight fists. “You’ll never be likethem.”

A wrinkle appeared between his brows. “I used to fear losing control. It’s the greatest fear of most alphas. But in five days, most of my family will be dead. I yearn for the darkness losing control might bring.”

He wasn’t allowed to speak like that.

I did something I hadn’t dared to do since everything blew up in my face.

Resting my hands on his chest, I gripped the front of his shirt. “I know things between us are more messed up than they’ve ever been, Kyros, but please don’t give up. There’s a way out of this, I promise you.”

Never had the urge to admit everything been stronger.

Kyros glanced into my eyes, and his want, hisfiercewant rolled over me. I moaned, choking on a sob at the same time.

“This is the last time I’ll see you, Basilia,” he said, cupping my face. “As fucking furious as I am for what you did and what it will mean for my family, I can’t spend these last moments in anger. If this is the last memory I have of you, ofus, then I must leave your betrayal at the door.”