“I don’t want you dead. And you won’t die,” I said calmly.

“You believe I’ll live happily in Fyrlia territory?” Kyros hissed. “You think that every day in there won’t be hell? My family killed before my eyes. My mother raped. Forced each day to hear their insults against those I love.” His voice swelled. “The need to get to you, to claim you, will drive me insane. I won’t physically die, Basilia.”

“I’m sorry,” I whispered. “It was a mistake to handle that situation alone. I know that.”

“Thatsituation.” Kyros fixed both eyes on me.

Folding my arms, I returned his regard.

He blurred to me and clamped one arm around my waist, forcing my head upward with a grip under my chin.

Gasping, I clutched his arms so I didn’t topple out the window.

“What aren’t you telling me?” His voice was thunderous.

Cool air brushed my back as I tried not to choke on his rage.

His eyes blazed into mine and shock filled me as I understood Kyros was about to compel me. Tears stung my eyes, and the full horror of how badly I’d botched things hit me.

The trust was gone.

Kyros told me he wouldn’t compel information from me again after the fourth exchange. If he did, then the void between us really was here to stay.

I let my body go limp and met his blaring gaze in defeat, curling inward on myself.

On my heart.

The energy between us still thrummed and pounded between my legs. Everywhere we touched, even his dominating grip under my chin seared my insides with toe-curling desperation.

Even as tears slipped down my cheeks, I panted with need.

How did I ever believe the blood bond was forcing me to love him? My emotions existed apart from the bond.Intertwined, yes, but the distinction between them was so obvious when I was split in half like this.

His erection dug into my hip. His inhales were harsh in my ears.

“The sixth exchange,” he snarled.

My eyes flew to his.

Whatever I’d expected, that wasn’t it.

I licked my lips. “W-What?”

His hand loosened. “The sixth exchange. We have eight days.”

I blinked, trying to fathom the change of gear. He…?

“Youwantthe sixth exchange?”

Kyros regarded me coldly, lips pressed together and showing white. “What I want and need are different things. Once Fyrlia wins, I’ll never see you again.”

But the sixth exchange would make things exponentially worse, wouldn’t it? I’d forced myself to stay away from the tower for nine days, and I’d only managed that because Kyros was sneaking to the estate each night. I physically wouldn’t be capable of staying away if this thing between us became stronger.

Already, I felt a constant frantic itch that I couldn’t scratch.

To holdmoreof that inside until my dying day.

Hell on earth.