I stood, trying to fend her off as she herded me around the table.

“Best get going.”

Snorting, I dodged her. “Seriously, stop it.”

She started whacking my body, chasing me to the door as she continued her chant.

“Oh my god, Tommy! I’m getting going. Or whatever. Stop.” Using my extra speed, I caught the book she’d tossed at my head.

The book fell from my hands to the ground, and the heading of the chapter caught my eye.

Rights of Human Mates

I paused, staring at the page as Tommy continued her beatdown.

She panted, stopping the abuse. “Best get… Wait, what happened?”

A stillness came over me. It was the calmest I’d felt in five days. I bent down to pick the book up.


“Yeah?” She craned over my shoulder to read the heading. “Something got your brain juices squeezing?”

“You have a beautiful way with words, my friend.” But yes, kind of.

“What do you think I need to do?” I asked slowly.

Tommy snorted. “I ain’t the billionaire here.”

“No.” I agreed seriously, taking her hand. “You’re my friend, and the best one I’ll ever have. I trust your judgment where I don’t always trust my own. What am I doing wrong?”

The smile faded from her lips. “You’re catering to everyone else’s expectations.”

I needed to address those expectations then.

And decide what I could live with. Because she was right. I had less than two weeks left.

“I’m heading out,” I told her, striding for the door.

Tommy didn’t let go of my hand, and I dragged her along with me. “Just one thing before you do.”

She licked her lips when I stopped and glanced back.

“Your grandmother, Basil,” Tommy said, smiling. “She was a hell of a woman. She left a hell of a legacy. But she isn’t here. If she was, I think you’d be surprised by what she’d have to say. Remember that Agatha Le Spyre had faults just like any other person, and most importantly, remember that you’re not her. You can’t be satisfied with life if you’re chasing after her definition of happiness and success. The woman I knew wouldn’t have expected you to. In fact, she’d have some cutting things to say if she caught you doing it.”

I closed my eyes, allowing her words to seep into my bones for later. There was truth in them. I just needed to find that conviction for myself. “Thank you.”

“Any time. Where are you going?”

Where else did I go when my feelings overwhelmed me?

I opened my eyes. “The theme park. Don’t wait up.”

* * *

I stared at the text and hit send.

I’m sorry