Dan leveled his gaze with her as he helped her stand. “Millie, you’re going to the hospital.”
“We can talk about it.” She smoothed out her dress. “See? Perfectly fine.”
Dan didn’t release her arm. “Let’s go sit in a chair, okay?”
As they moved over to a nearby folding chair, the small crowd that had gathered around Millie wandered off, satisfied.
Jen didn’t move from where she’d squatted on the floor. Neither did Jason.
She closed her eyes. He obviously had met Millie—but no one in town called her Mildred. She wasMillie Price,and her name carried with it the weight of her antics and personality.
Which meant he already knew her.
He’d come to Brandywood for “family business.”
She felt sick.
Opening her eyes, she cleared the knot from her throat. “You’re Millie’s—”
“I’m her grandson.”
Jason still didn’t look at her. His shoulders fell, and he rubbed his fingers over his jaw. At last, he lifted his eyes, his gaze apologetic.
The impact of his words was like a bludgeon to the head. She felt so dazed she couldn’t think straight.Millie’s grandson.She stood shakily and whirled around. Dan was still a few feet from her, watching her. He gave her a comforting look. “Just stay here,” he mouthed.
Had he heard Jason? If so, Dan was smart enough to put it together. Who knew—by now, he might know something else about Jason. His gaze told her he knewsomething.
But she didn’t listen, feeling so nauseated that she couldn’t stand still. She bolted from the Depot, not waiting for Jason.
Jason followed her outside. “Jen.” He was only steps behind her, and the sidewalks of Main were a bright blur of Christmas lights through her tears.
When he caught up with her, he grabbed her elbow. “Wait up.”
She whirled to face him. “Who are you?” Her words were a demand, not a question.
Jason dropped his hand. “Jason Cavanaugh.”
Liar.“Not Sutter?”
He shook his head. Then he took a step toward her and added, his voice low, “I’m Kevin’s brother.”
His words were like a death knell. She already knew. Millie only had one daughter. But Jen had also never spoken Kevin’s name to Jason.
Kevin’s brother.
Oh my God.
She covered her mouth.
Jason held her shoulders. “I didn’t know how to tell you and—”
“Don’t you dare give me excuses.” She wrested herself away. “Youliedto me.”
He rubbed his eyes and nodded. “Yes, I lied. But I—”
“Kevin’s last name is Connor.” Had everything he’d told her been a lie?
Jason stared at the thick covering of clouds in the sky. “Cavanaugh, actually. Like mine. It was a stupid lie.”