Page 99 of Cross & Crown


Julian blanched and snatched the paper from Nick’s hand.

He stood, staring at it for several beats before turning to JD, his black eyes ablaze.

“Whoa, whoa!” Kelly shouted, and he and Nick both

hopped up to intercept before a fight could break out.

Nick wrapped Julian up and dragged him toward the edge

of the flybridge, his arms around Julian’s massive shoulders,

his bare feet digging in to fight the weight of Julian’s struggles.

Julian might have been one of the few men Kelly’d seen who

made Nick look smal . Kelly positioned himself in front of

JD, who was watching with wide eyes, confusion written in

every line of his face.

“He’s seen Cam!” Julian shouted as he struggled against

Nick’s hold. “He’s been with him, he knows more than he’s


Nick finally got him turned around facing the sea, and

he was speaking to Julian in a low, urgent voice. His arms

went from restraining to comforting, and his voice got loud

enough that they could make out his words. “I swear to God,

Cross, we’ll find him. I’ll help you find him. But you got to

stay calm for me, you got to keep your head.”

“I . . . I don’t understand. What did I do?” JD asked


“You described the face of his boyfriend,” Kelly explained.

“Who’s been kidnapped by the people who are looking for

this treasure. Which means you . . . are involved a little more heavily than we were hoping.”

“Oh Jesus,” JD gasped. He put a hand on Kelly’s shoulder,

trying to get past him to get closer to Julian and Nick. Kelly

didn’t let him. “I don’t . . . I don’t know what to say. I don’t remember. I’m truly sorry, but I don’t remember!”