muttered to Nick.
Nick just nodded. “Okay, so the star thingy is a map.”
“A star map!” Kelly said, grinning widely at Nick. “You
were right, interstellar librarians.”
“What in the bloody hell . . . no,” Julian growled. “No
interstellar . . . what? No. Whatever you want to call this
piece of jewelry, people think it can lead to the Continental
treasure, and with it, the actual golden and rosy cross.”
“That’s great, but the star is gone too,” Nick pointed out.
“Not entirely,” Julian countered. “By all accounts, it’s here.
In Boston.”
“What accounts?” Nick demanded.
“I don’t know, I’m only being fed information I can use
to track it.”
“I don’t know,” Julian snarled.
“So you’re hunting this treasure for someone else?”
Julian merely stared at Nick with black eyes that gave
away nothing. His jaw was tight. Nick didn’t know him well
enough to read him.
“Fine, you’re retired, you need a payday, whatever,” Kelly
said with a wave of his hand. “Who hired you?”
“I keep telling you, I don’t know. And if I did, they’d be
“These are people willing to track down and fuck with an
ex-CIA hit man for arumorabout a treasure. I’m going to need more than ‘I don’t know’ from you,” Nick snapped.
“That’s all I have!” Julian practically shouted.