them. Then Kelly went in for the kill, leaping at Julian with a kick to the chest that should’ve leveled him. Julian brought
up both hands, though, catching Kelly’s foot. Kelly went with
the momentum, kicking off the ground and using Julian’s hold
on him for leverage. He caught Julian under the chin as he
flipped himself backward, and he landed in a crouch several
feet from his opponent.
He was breathing hard, body tense in expectation of
Julian getting up again. He heard Nick’s footsteps behind him
and he stood slowly. Nick patted him on the shoulder as they
both stood over Julian, who was holding his face and lying on
his back, cursing in an Irish accent.
“That’s a lot more fun to watch when it’s not me you’re
doing it to,” Nick told Kelly, his voice warm with pride and
possibly a little lust.
Kelly smirked at him.
Nick grabbed Julian by his elbow and hefted him off
the ground, then jerked his arms behind him and shoved
him against the wall of the nearest building. He patted him
down from head to toe, taking special care around his wrists.
Kelly wound up holding an armful of weaponry and other . . .
implements. Then Nick slapped a pair of handcuffs on Julian
and hissed in his ear. “Welcome to Boston.”
Chapter 5
elly sat in the backseat with Julian, watching him
Klike a hawk. Nick could see them in his rearview
mirror as he guided the car toward the marina. Any other
col ar, and he’d have taken him right back inside to the
precinct, but Nick had dealt with Julian Cross before. He