fingers together.
“You okay, bud?” Kelly asked him.
JD gave them a weak attempt at a smile. “I know more
about this than I do about myself.”
“You do know a lot more about this than most,” Kelly
agreed. “At least you can remember it; that’s a good sign.”
Nick raised his head as an idea hit him. “Do they
fingerprint college professors?” he asked Hagan.
Hagan pursed his lips. “Not to my knowledge. Some
universities are starting to, but only for new hires.”
“School’s out, right? What if he’s a professor at a local
college? If he lived alone, no one might know he was gone
until classes start back.”
“No missing persons report would be filed yet,” Hagan
said with a nod.
“Send his photo out to every institution in a fifty mile
radius. See if we can get a hit.”
“On it,” Hagan said, and he lurched out of his chair.
“College professor, huh?” JD said quietly. “Not
international treasure thief. You’re awfully optimistic,
“That’s what we love about him,” Kelly said, and when
Nick raised his head, Kelly’s eyes were on him, a gentle smile
gracing his lips. Nick squeezed his knee, keeping his hand
“What’s the next move?” JD asked. If he was
uncomfortable with Nick and Kelly’s small shows of affection,
he didn’t let on.
“After you work with the sketch artist, we’ll get you