darted over Hagan’s hands. “Where’s my coffee?”
“Oh, fuck no.” Hagan threw both cups of coffee in the
trash can, shaking his head. “No more caffeine for you.”
Nick stared at them, seriously thinking about reaching in
after one of them, when Captain Branson paced over to their
desks. Nick and Hagan both watched him expectantly. He
stood over them with his hands behind his back. Nick was
pretty sure he and Hagan hadn’t done anything to draw their
captain’s ire, but you never knew.
Branson pursed his lips and peered into the trash can, then
back at Nick. “Correct me if I’m misreading you, Detective
O’Flaherty, but were you about to go after that cup of coffee
in the trash bin?”
Nick’s eyes darted to the trash can, then back to his
captain’s again. “Yes, sir.”
Branson nodded sagely. “How long have you been here?”
“I’m not sure, sir.”
Hagan cleared his throat. “Please don’t ask him to explain
his current theory.”
Nick pressed his lips tightly together, self-aware enough
to know whennotto speak. He avoided Branson’s eyes for all of two seconds before he gave in, though. “I have a consultant
I’d like to bring in on the case.”
“Hunting treasure.”
Branson frowned, gave Hagan one last sideways glance,
then cocked his head at Nick. “Okay. Make sure he signs the
Nick and Hagan watched him walk away, aiming for his
office with a steaming mug of coffee in hand.