“Give it to me.”
“You sure?”
“I want it hard, babe, come on.” Kelly offered him a
cheeky leer.
Nick snorted. He threw the car in park, then turned it off
and sat back, his hands on the wheel. “Intergalactic tea-loving time travelers trying to help the British win the Revolutionary War. Pissed-off historians in an attempt to liberate artifacts
from their cages. Or treasure hunters out to find the missing
Knights Templar library.”
Kelly laughed and leaned his head against the cool glass
of the window, pointing a mocking finger at Nick. “Where
do you get this shit?”
Nick smacked him in the chest. Kelly grabbed his hand
and refused to let it go. “Can I play devil’s advocate for your theories?”
“No,” Nick grunted. He unbuckled Kelly and reached for
him with the other hand, dragging him across the console.
Kelly began to protest, but Nick kissed him almost brutally,
his fingers tightening in Kelly’s hair, his other hand bunched
in Kelly’s shirt.
“What happened?” Kelly panted. Nick had a habit of
being turned on at the oddest times by the most random
things. Kelly never knew when Nick was going to grope him.
It made things interesting.
“We started something, I was thinking we’d finish it,”
Nick growled, still tugging Kelly across the console.
The tone of his voice hit Kelly deep in the gut. “Not in
the boat?”
“I won’t be able to walk to the boat, babe.” Kelly climbed
the rest of the way over the console and into Nick’s lap. His
elbow hit the horn as they kissed, and the Range Rover sat