Page 40 of Cross & Crown

Nick had to fight hard not to groan. He always managed to

pick up the strays somehow. He shook his head, feeling guilty

for blowing off such a sincere request because he wanted to go

home and fuck his boyfriend. “I’m sorry, we can’t just switch

things up without reporting it and giving a compelling reason

to do it.”

JD lowered his head, looking crestfallen. He nodded,

though, and took a deep breath. “Okay.”

“You good for tonight?”

JD nodded again, more confidently this time. “I’m good.”

Nick sat with him for a few more minutes, letting him

know he was merely a call away, that he’d be right back on

the case on Monday, and there was nothing to worry about as

long as he stuck with Hagan or one of the officers assigned to

their door.

“I’m sorry I brought you out so late. Tell your boyfriend

I’m sorry too; this must be weird for him.”

“We met in Recon,” Nick said. “He’s used to weird.”

He stood and gave JD’s shoulder a last pat before heading

for the door. When he stepped into the hal , Hagan was

leaning against the wal , his head back and his mouth open


as he snored. Kelly had fallen asleep sitting ramrod straight

against the wall right beside the door.

Nick snorted and glanced at the uniformed officer, who

was sitting in his chair with a cup of coffee and giving Nick a smirk. “Are you guys the cavalry?”

Hagan jerked and snorted, shaking his head as he woke.

“I’m awake.”

Nick chuckled and nodded, stepping aside so Hagan

could get back into the room. “I told him you’d call me if