talking to me like one right now.”
Nick’s eyes narrowed, and he gave the door an insulted
frown. “Fine! So how about you get your ass out of the
bathroom and we’ll talk like adults.”
Hagan inhaled sharply, and the guard on the door tensed.
The man in the bathroom was silent. Kelly winced when it
seemed like Nick’s tactic had backfired, but then they heard
soft laughter through the door.
The lock clicked and the door edged open. Kelly had sort
of expected a neurotic-looking little bald guy in glasses or
something, but the man who peered out was maybe six feet
tal , just an inch or two shorter than Nick. He was wiry and fit, with a healthy tan and shaggy blond hair that had obviously
been bleached by time in the sun. His eyes were a blue that
seemed Photoshopped. Fuck, he was kind of Nick’s type.
Nick was still leaning against the doorjamb, one eyebrow
raised at the man. “Touché, Detective,” the blond man said.
Nick nodded, crossing his arms smugly.
The guy glanced at Hagan. “Sorry.”
“Hey, I get it. Don’t hurt my feelings any. People always
like him better.”
The guy’s eyes landed on Kelly, and Kelly tried to offer
him a comforting smile even though he still had no clue what
was going on.
“JD, this is my partner, Kelly Abbott,” Nick said as he
waved his hand in Kelly’s direction. “Kels, this is our witness who doesn’t know who he is.”
“Seriously?” Kelly whispered.
“I thought . . . I thought Detective Hagan was your
partner,” JD said, frowning and looking between them.
“Partner,” Nick said gently, pointing at Hagan. Then he