Page 34 of Cross & Crown

“He’s with me, he’s okay,” he said in passing, pointing at

Kelly. Kelly nodded to the man, trying not to feel awkward. He

had been special operations in the military and was extremely

capable both in the field and in any situation stateside. He had medical training that could save a life under enemy fire, and

he could break a man’s neck before they knew he was there.

But he wasn’t a cop. He didn’t know the first thing about

investigating or the law. The only reason he was here was

because he was trailing after his boyfriend. He didn’t like the feeling.

Nick headed for room 319, where another officer stood

guard, a plastic chair near him against the wal . Nick showed

his badge again, even though each man they’d passed obviously

knew him by sight. When they entered the hotel room, a

stocky man with silvering hair stood near the bathroom door,

shaking his head at Nick.

“What the hell happened?” Nick demanded.

“He freaked. I don’t know. He won’t talk to me. I figured

you have the rapport with him, he might respond.”

Nick nodded, frowning at the bathroom door, then

glancing over his shoulder at Kelly. “Uh, Kels, this is Detective 34

Alan Hagan, my partner. He’s useless when I’m supposed to

have the night off.”

Kelly shook the man’s hand, introducing himself. He

didn’t offer his relationship to Nick, though. That was Nick’s

job, and frankly, Kelly didn’t know how sensitive the subject

was for him. He knew Nick had come out as bi to basically

everyone in his life not long after he’d come out to Kelly. How everyone had handled it, Nick had never said.

“You’re the boyfriend?” Hagan asked as he shook Kelly’s

hand. “O talks about you all the damn time.”

Kelly flushed, clearing his throat and smiling

uncontrol ably. He glanced at Nick again. He wasn’t sure why