Nick kissed his cheek, then his lips. He didn’t linger over
it, though. “I barely got here, didn’t have time to change. You look rough, babe.”
“I feel rough. Let’s get the hell out of here.”
Nick grabbed his hand to halt him as Kelly marched
toward the door. “Don’t you have a suitcase?”
Kelly glanced at the crowd around the baggage conveyors.
His shoulders slumped. All he wanted to do was get Nick
somewhere private. Now. “Oh yeah.”
Nick pulled him closer, sliding his hands under Kelly’s
jacket to rest on the small of his back. He kissed him gently,
with the crowds bustling around them. Kelly realized this
might be their first official PDA, and neither of them cared.
Nick rested his temple against Kelly’s and smiled against
his neck. “I missed you.”
“Me too.” Kelly wrapped his arm around Nick’s neck and
dropped his carry-on bag to the floor to get another kiss, but
Nick raised his head instead.
“Is that your bag? With all the patches on it?”
Kelly grunted and turned to the conveyor. His rucksack
had patches from almost every destination he’d traveled, so it
was hard to miss. “Yeah. Fucking cockblock.”
Nick burst out laughing. It was a sound Kelly had sorely
missed. It sent a shiver through him, making the scar of the
bullet wound on his chest throb. He rubbed at it as Nick
kissed him again before letting him go and then striding over
to catch his rucksack for him. The coat made him look even
wider at the shoulders than he already was. Kelly flashed
back to all the many mornings he’d seen Nick stalking across
whatever camp, base, or ship they’d been stationed on, barking