“Cam?” he blurted. “Are you okay?”
“Detective O’Flaherty?” Cameron made to stand, but he
winced away from one of his captors when the man made a
move toward him. He had a few bruises around his face and
arms, and his lip was cracked and bloody. He’d obviously been
kept under control through physical means.
“Hey!” Nick shouted. “Touch him again and you deal
with me.”
“You want to get hard, motherfucker? Come on!” the man
challenged. His accent sounded like home to Nick. It almost
made him laugh. Some Southie thug with a gun coming at
him like he’d last a minute hand-to-hand with Nick.
“Sit the fuck down!” the other kidnapper shouted at Nick.
Nick remained standing, meeting the man’s eyes without
flinching. The guy moved closer, putting the muzzle of his
gun against Nick’s cheek. “I said sit your arse down.”
Nick cocked his head, lips twitching. “Make me.”
Before the man could react, Kelly whistled behind him.
When he turned, Nick grabbed the gun, hitting a pressure
point in the man’s arm that would immediately incapacitate
his fingers. Kelly hit him with a roundhouse punch that threw
him back into Nick, and Nick picked him up and slammed
him to his back. The floor shook beneath him, artifacts
around the room rattled. Nick kicked the heel of his boot
into the man’s head to put him down. The museum curator
screamed, covering her face with her bonnet.
Nick turned his stolen gun on the other man, but he had
grabbed Cameron and was using him as a shield.
“Oh, son,” Nick drawled. “That wasn’t your smartest