JD met Nick’s eyes one last time as he moved away. “I’m
sorry. I’ll turn myself in after, I promise!” he called, and then he bolted into the crowd.
Chapter 9
elly loitered near the park ranger’s office, listening as
KNick gave a report to someone on the phone. From
the tone of his voice, he wasn’t enjoying the conversation.
When he was done, he emerged from the office and gave
everyone a grim smile.
“How’d it go?” Julian asked.
Nick laughed bitterly. “Well. I brought a suspect to a
public place while I was supposed to be on guard duty, lost
control of my department-issued sidearm, and then allowed
the suspect to abscond with it into a crowd. Oh, and fire it.
Apparently it hit a goose downriver.”
They all stared at him, wide-eyed and waiting for him to
continue. “Let’s just say it didn’t go too well.”
“Have you been shelved?” Kelly asked.
“No. I’ve been given forty-eight hours to fix it.”
Alex had been keeping her distance, but she was edging
closer. “You know the only way to find where he’s going is to
find the treasure, right?”
Nick narrowed his eyes at her. “Thank you for at least
being transparent in your motives.”
Alex shrugged. “What do you say, Detective? You want to
work together in this?”
“No,” Nick growled. He headed for the door, and Kelly
fell into step beside him.
They reached the door, and Kelly glanced back to find