He ran both hands through his hair and turned away
to pace.
“How did he get murderer and thief from what I just
said?” Alex asked Nick.
“It’s a long story.”
“Will you untie us now?”
Nick took his knife from his belt and sliced through the
zip tie. Kelly followed his lead and released the man, whose
name ended up being Colin.
Alex rubbed at her wrists, eyes on Julian. “The man who
hired us told us you’d be out there too. He said you were
dangerous and motivated. That’s why we bring Colin along
Colin gave a silent nod.
“We didn’t know anyone had been kidnapped,” Alex said.
“Who is it?”
“My husband,” Julian said through gritted teeth. “I was
told to give them the location of the cross and they wouldn’t
harm him.”
“Your husband?” Nick blurted. Julian nodded.
“Congratulations,” Nick offered lamely.
“You haven’t found the cross?” Alex asked.
“I haven’t been looking for it. I’ve been looking forthem.
Who are they?”
Alex’s eyes went wide. “I don’t know. We were told rival
companies were after the cross and we’d have to move fast.”
Kelly stepped forward, close to Nick, and he lowered his
voice when he spoke. “So we havethreeparties in play here?
Alex’s group, JD’s group, and Julian?”