Page 198 of Cross & Crown

had a mop of wavy auburn hair, almost the same color as

Nick’s, and she was quite striking. High cheekbones, full lips

that curved into a smirk. Kelly looked her up and down out

of habit. The man was considerably less attractive, with a hard edge to his eyes and a scar that went from one of his heavy

eyebrows to his rather square chin. They definitely didn’t look like they fit as a couple.

Julian positioned himself in front of JD.

Kelly watched their approach, the gun on his belt feeling

heavier as they came closer. He gave Nick a quick look over


his shoulder, but Nick was gone. The water flowed peacefully

over the spot where he’d been. Kelly stood, making certain

his jacket covered his gun. He didn’t have time to get back

up to the bridge, but at least this way they were offering two

separate targets.

“Good afternoon, gents,” the man called in a genial Irish


“Hello, Dr. Hunt,” the woman added with a kind smile. “I

hear you’re having a rough few days.”

JD took a tiny step sideways so he could see them over

Julian’s shoulder. He was smart enough to stay behind Julian,


“Where’s the detective?” the woman asked.

Kelly and Julian shared a glance, then Kelly looked over

his shoulder into the water.

“Oh my,” the woman cooed. “I do hope he can swim. My

name is Alex Kincade. And I understand we’re all searching

for the same thing.”

“Somehow I doubt that,” Kelly challenged.

“Doubt all you like, it’s true. The Golden and Rosy Cross.

You’re quite the resourceful little group; we’d like to combine forces.”