Nick shrugged and dug in the pocket of his jeans for the
napkin JD had left on the table last night. “No clue. That’s
where JD’s diamonds come in.”
JD took a deep breath to steady himself and stepped
closer to take the napkin. Nick touched his arm gently.
“I’m sorry,” Nick offered.
JD held his gaze for a few seconds, then nodded and gave
him a weak smile. “I tried putting myself in your shoes last
night, when I went to bed. I get it. I wouldn’t trust me either.”
Nick cocked his head, raising both eyebrows in surprise.
“I do trust you. I’m sorry for making you feel like I didn’t.
And I made you a promise. I intend to keep it. Let’s do this.”
JD squared his shoulders. “Right.”
Kelly groaned off in the distance. Nick glanced around
for him and found him sitting on the steps that led down to
the sidewalk, resting his head against an iron fence. He was
pretty hungover, but the last historic graveyard Kelly had
been in had almost killed him. Nick couldn’t help the shiver
that ran up his spine with the memory.
“Hey, babe, you alright?”
“I hate you!” Kelly called back.
“Okay, well . . . keep lookout for us then,” Nick said, his
voice shaking with laughter.
He turned, and Julian fell in step beside him. The man
was actually smiling. “One night, Detective, you and I will sit and have a drink just so I can say I survived it.”
Nick laughed. “It’s a date.”
They split off, each of them wandering the crooked lanes
of the graveyard, examining each headstone for any sort of
clue. They didn’t know what they were searching for, though,
and it was a large graveyard.