the ground, unmarked and lost to history.
What remained was a mixture of veneration of the past
and compromise toward the future. Nick had always felt a
little uneasy when he’d visited this place.
“The headstones are . . . irreverent, to say the least,” JD
commented. He was kneeling in front of one. Many of them
had skulls grinning impishly, with wings behind them. Nick
has seen a few with dancing skeletons, capering around as
death chased after them.
“So?” Julian asked. “What now? Is the treasure supposed
to be buried here?”
“It couldn’t possibly be,” JD answered. “Not if the stories
surrounding its theft are true.”
“There’s another marker here somewhere,” Nick added.
“Are you fucking telling me we came out here before the
fucking sun for anotherclueto where this treasure is and not the treasure itself?” Kelly asked. He had Nick’s aviators on
despite the lack of light.
“It makes sense; if he was leaving clues behind for someone
to follow to this treasure, he would have done it on permanent
fixtures. Or, things they would have considered permanent
then. Graveyards, churches, buildings of importance he had
to trust wouldn’t be torn down.”
“So, you believe we’re looking for a gravestone,” Julian
said.Nick nodded. “The date of death would be 1775.”
“Why?” Julian asked.
“A clue carved on a tombstone would have been left as
soon as it could be commissioned, when they still had access
to the city,” Nick explained. “Had to be that year because they evacuated shortly after.”
“What else?” Julian asked.