clenched in his hair. “If I came all over your face, you’d take it out on my ass, wouldn’t you?”
Nick dug his fingers into Kelly’s hips, nodding.
Kelly turned the video camera to face him, and gave it a
sly smile. “Not usually recommended, but this is going to be
worth it.”
Chapter 8
elly groaned when the light lanced through
Khis eyelids. He buried his face in the mattress,
burrowing under his pillow.
Someone picked the pillow up and tapped his shoulder.
“No!” Kelly griped. “Fuck PT, dude.”
“Get dressed, babe, it’s almost six.”
Kelly sat up too fast, and his head swam. His stomach
churned briefly, but he got it under control. He was surprised
to find not just Nick in the room, sitting on the end of the
bed, but also Julian and JD loitering near the doorway. “Jesus, how long did I sleep?”
“What happened to your neck?” JD blurted.
Kelly gingerly touched his neck. “Something about . . .
holding on to the headboard. I can’t remember. Jesus, what
was in those drinks?”
Nick chuckled darkly. He pulled a boot on and stood to
stamp his foot against the ground. Then he sat again and laced
it up.“How’d you come up with cemetery?” Julian asked Nick.
“Call it divine inspiration.”
“Yeah, I’m betting God was invoked a lot last night,” JD
said under his breath.
“Shhh,” Kelly begged. He put a hand to his head. “What
are we doing, why are we up? Oh my God in Heaven.”