salute toward Paddy.
“Why did they think it would be here?” Kelly asked.
“The man responsible for the design was a descendant
of the soldier who hid the stolen goods,” Julian explained.
“There were several accounts, private accounts, that the clues
to its whereabouts were passed along.”
JD tore his attention away from the star to turn it to
Paddy. “Do you have a loupe?”
Paddy rubbed his finger across the tip of his nose, nodding.
He gestured for one of the men at the door to retrieve it.
Nick still had his head down, his thumbs massaging his
temples. “This treasure hunt is just as pointless as the one we send those kids on every summer.”
Kelly patted his knee, trying to offer some sort of comfort.
Nick had just sold his soul to get a look at this thing, all for nothing. The memory of Nick’s notes for that treasure hunt
flashed through Kelly’s mind. Then it hit him.
“Oh my God, it’s a pigpen cipher!” he blurted.
Nick raised his head, blinking rapidly at Kelly then
glancing at the star in JD’s hand.
“Look it,” Kelly said, reaching to take it from JD. He drew
his finger across the rubies, then pointed at each tip of the
clover so they could envision it. It formed a perfect piece to
a pigpen cipher, with the shapes of the clover creating the
“Motherfucker,” Nick breathed.
“What does it mean?” Julian demanded.
“Pigpen ciphers are usually dots, but this is shapes,”
Nick told him. “Three circles and an arch. I know arches
are supposed to represent power, monarchy, manliness . . .
sometimes the warrior class. But this one’s on its head, I have no idea what that means. And circles, I don’t know.”