mob boss would be tense, but especially someone like Nick,
who had childhood ties to the organization and a job that was
inherently opposed to everything the mob stood for.
He was a white knight, stepping into the shadows.
“Come on, he’s upstairs waiting for us,” Nick said.
A man was indeed waiting for them in the lobby when
they reached the top of the escalator. He was attractive, with
dark hair and kind eyes that seemed at odds with his job.
He was dressed in a soft-gray suit, his sky-blue tie the only
anomaly. Nick slowed when he saw him, coming to a stop a
few yards in front of him.
They stood opposite one another, silent, their expressions
stern. Kelly glanced uneasily at Julian and JD. This was going
to go so wrong. He could feel it, they were going to destroy
this beautiful hotel lobby in a firefight.
The man took a step forward, and Nick moved to meet
him. Instead of violence, though, they embraced. The stranger
patted Nick on the back and held a fistful of his hair as Nick
hugged him. They broke apart and both men were smiling,
although Kelly recognized the wistful glint in Nick’s eyes.
This was a bittersweet reunion, at best.
“Damn, you look good, Nicky,” the man said, and he
brushed at Nick’s shoulders, grinning.
“No one calls me that anymore.” Nick turned and waved
a hand at Kelly, keeping his other hand on the man’s shoulder.
“Mikey, this is Kelly Abbott.”
“The boyfriend?” Mikey asked with a raised eyebrow.
Kelly didn’t know how to answer that. He knew enough
about mob and gang culture to know that having a “boyfriend”