Nick nodded.
“You don’t look happy,” JD said, dread creeping into his
voice. “Oh God, I’m someone horrible, aren’t I?”
Nick picked up one of the books he’d sent for. “You
actually seem like a pretty interesting character,” he said, and he set it down in front of JD.
JD eyed the book, then Nick from beneath lowered
brows. “I don’t understand.”
Nick picked it up again and turned it over. On the
back cover was a photo of JD wearing aviators and a canvas
military-style jacket, standing on a mountain with Machu
Picchu in the background.
“That’s me!” JD he grabbed the book, pointing at
the photo and then turning it over to see the title. “I’m an
“The professor I spoke with probably wouldn’t agree. She
basically said you’re a hack.”
JD burst out laughing, then covered his mouth and
nodded. “I can deal with being a hack. Oh my God.”
Nick raised his head in time to catch sight of Kelly and
Julian entering the squad room. He raised his hand and waved
them over when the desk sergeant tried to stop them.
“Casey Hunt.” JD set the book down gently, his fingers
resting on the cover. “It doesn’t sound familiar.”
“What’s going on?” Kelly asked as they approached.
“We got an ID on him,” Nick answered.
“Yeah?” Nick could see the hesitation in Kelly’s eyes. He
obviously knew the chances of JD being a good guy were slim.
“That’s good, right?”
Nick didn’t answer. He knocked his knuckles against the