They wanted to know where I was, and what progress I had
made. I told them I’d been forced to enlist assistance. I got the distinct feeling they already knew that.”
“You think they’re following you?” Nick asked.
“If they were, I’d know it.”
“They’re keeping tabs somehow,” Nick insisted.
“Maybe they heard about the robbery,” Kelly suggested.
“Knew it was either Julian or the other crew.”
“Perhaps,” Julian whispered.
“What role did you play in that?” Nick asked him.
“In what?”
“The robbery. The murders,” Nick said, his voice hard.
“Was any of that you?”
“No, Detective. I was merely tailing them. And doing
so from quite a distance. I never saw them, other than the
van they drove. I got there and the scene was already as you
found it.”
“You were tailing them?” Nick shouted. “Why didn’t you
say that before? Where’d they come from? Are they based
somewhere in Boston?”
Julian remained irritatingly calm in the face of Nick’s
outburst. Kelly was impressed.
“They came from the airport. I followed their trail. I’m
not concealing information from you, Detective. I want them
stopped as badly as you do. More so than you, I would wager.”
Nick pointed his finger at Julian, wagging it
threateningly. He calmed quickly though, acknowledging
the logic in Julian’s explanation. “I’m going to go finish
shaving,” he said through his teeth as he left them.
Julian watched him go, then turned back to Kelly with a