remember anything.”
Nick shrugged. “Anything. Anything you’ve noticed.
Your feelings, your thoughts, tattoos or scars, your shoe size, do you have contacts, are you wearing underwear? Anything.”
JD laughed and reached for Nick’s notepad. “Okay.”
Nick smiled and left him there, hoping the exercise would
at least keep JD’s mind off his troubles while Nick tried to
find somewhere to stick him for the night.
It took him nearly half an hour to arrange for a hotel and
an officer for the door. He and Hagan played a quick three
out of five roshambo to decide who had to stay with him,
and Nick won. Which was good, because he had plans this
When he returned to the interview room, Captain
Branson was standing at the window, watching JD.
“Sir,” Nick said as he approached.
The captain turned. “You’re good with him, O’Flaherty.
That’s the most he’s responded all night.”
“He’s just scared, sir. Anyone would be.”
“Stay on him. Babysit him. Play the good cop. He’s the
biggest break we have in this case right now. If he’s comfortable, he’s more likely to remember. And if he’s faking, you’re more
likely to figure it out.”
Nick cleared his throat and nodded. “Does that mean you
want me to stick with him at the safe house?” he asked, unable
to conceal the dread in his voice.
Branson smirked at him and raised an eyebrow. “Isn’t
your boyfriend coming to town tonight?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Even I’m not that cruel. Take the weekend. Let Hagan
bad cop him for a few days. After that, it’s O’Flaherty to the