Page 123 of Cross & Crown

“I got it covered,” Hagan said as he tried to swallow a

mouthful of eggs. “Damn, kid, this is good. I didn’t know you

could cook.”

Kelly slipped behind Nick and grabbed a plate. He

kept his hand on the small of Nick’s back, ostensibly so

Nick wouldn’t back into him in the small galley. When he

moved again, though, his hand stayed there. He gave Nick

a sideways grin before dragging his fingers across Nick’s hip

and moving away.

Nick shivered violently. He was so intent on Kelly that

he burned himself on the stove when he reached for the pan.

He was still cursing and sucking on the end of his finger as

he scrambled for his aloe plant when JD and Julian both

joined them.

“Smooth, Detective,” Julian commented. His voice was

just as droll as Nick remembered it being from their first


Nick broke off a tip of one of the aloe leaves and rubbed

it over his finger, casting a glare in Julian’s direction. “I had an idea last night,” Nick told him.

“Really? I can’t imagine where you got the time,” Julian



Nick narrowed his eyes, but he wasn’t the type to be

embarrassed about much of anything. “If that star is in Boston, I know someone who might be able to help us find it.”

Julian perked up at that. He glanced at the others, who

were all watching Nick with wide eyes. “And who might

that be?”

“Well, it’s stolen goods. Even in 1908, there were only so

many people you could go to with stolen goods and keep it

quiet for this long.”