knowledge is above average.”
“So . . . what, I’m some sort of gun for hire then? Like
Blackwater, or . . .” JD trailed off, staring at the tabletop.
“How’d I know that name? How do I know what that is?”
“Hey, yesterday you were telling me you knew all kinds of
things, sparkly vampires and whatever,” Nick said, his voice
sliding back into that soothing honey tone he used so often.
“Blackwater is a well-known company, it’s not weird you’d
know it. Just stay calm about it. This is stuff any military brat would know, okay?”
Hagan gave JD a pat on the shoulder and an almost
reassuring smile. “We’ll figure this shit out. My boy here is a dog with a bone; we got you.”
Kelly stayed quiet. He did wonder, however, if Hagan’s
words were a warning for JD to heed when his memory did
start coming back.
We got you.
Chapter 4
ick led the way out of the pub, holding the door
Nfor the others and giving the street a cursory glance
out of habit. Movement out of the corner of his eye drew his
attention, and standing on the other side of the street was
Julian Cross. His hands were in his pockets, his head cocked
as he watched them.
Nick let the door fall away from his hand, and it closed
in Kelly’s face. Nick heard the impact and the cussing that
accompanied it, but he took a step toward the road anyway.
“Hey!” he shouted.
Cross merely shook his head, then turned and melted
into the lunchtime crowd. Glass shattered behind Nick,