Page 58 of Cross & Crown

None of any of his coworkers here in Boston, past or present.

Just Sidewinder.

Kelly’s chest twisted and tightened, and he rubbed at

the scar near his heart as it throbbed. He replaced the frame

careful y.

When he looked up, Hagan was watching him. “You boys

must have been some kind of special.”

“We were.”

A hand clapped his shoulder, and he jerked in the seat. It

was difficult sometimes for Kelly to resist the urge to defend

himself when something surprised him, even a decade after

seeing his last combat. Of course, almost being killed on

vacation in New Orleans a year or so ago, and then again on

vacation in Scotland several months back, had reinforced the

instinct a little.

Nick leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. Kelly

turned his head and caught a real kiss from him before he

straightened. He was shocked by the public display, but then,

he kept having to remind himself that Nick had been out for

a few years now.

“You got here okay?” Nick asked him. He sat on the edge

of the desk, grinning down at Kelly.


“Yeah, no problem. Why do you look like you just ate a


Nick reached across his desk and opened a manila

file folder. He tapped the paper and handed Kelly a pen.

“Congratulations, you’re our newest special consultant.”

Kelly grunted. “Are you serious?”

“You have to promise the city you won’t sue if you die.”