thought it was Garrett, even called out to him. But . . .”
“You thought you saw Zane? Do I need to be worried
about this little zombie bromance you two have struck up?”
Nick huffed, too tired to offer Kelly a real smile. “Yeah,
I’m fucking Ty’s fiancé on the side, Kels. Sorry.”
“I’m good with it,” Kelly said with a shrug. His fingers
continued to trace the lines of Nick’s back. “So who was it
you saw?”
“Do you remember me telling you about Ty and Zane and
the CIA chasing them a few years back? Ty called from the
road begging for me to pick them up in Philly?”
“Yeah, you fired at CIA agents and then got arrested to
give Ty and them time to get away. That’s why there’s holes in
your boat.”
“It still floats. Anyway, the dude they were trying to keep
safe, his name was Julian Cross. He was an operator trying to
make a break from the Company.”
“He looked a whole lot like Garrett. Maybe it was him I
saw.”Kelly laughed softly, his fingers gentle against Nick’s skin.
“Was he nice? Did he say hi with a super-secret decoder ring?”
“I’m serious.”
“You always are,” Kelly drawled. He sat up, and the sheets
pooled in their laps. “You think this Cross guy is behind the
“First instinct is no. He really did seem like he was trying
to break when he was on the run with Ty and Zane. He had
his boyfriend with him, scared rabbit type.”
“Wow, that’s . . . judgey.”