Page 192 of Cross & Crown

Kelly returned his attention to the passing scenery

as Nick filled Hagan in. He shifted around, trying to get

comfortable. He wasn’t sure what Nick had done to him last

night, but he hoped he would do it again when Kelly could


remember the specifics of how he’d gotten so fucking sore. It

was probably fun.

It was about a thirty-minute drive to the bridge, and Kelly

was surprised when they arrived to find a visitor’s center, loads of tourists, and stone monuments commemorating the battle.

“It’s a national park?” Kelly asked when he joined Nick

at the bumper of the Range Rover. He’d expected a little

parking lot next to a creek with a bridge over it. But there

were monuments and walkways and visitor centers and tour

bus parking. He couldn’t even see the river, much less the


Nick leaned against it, his arms crossed. “And it’s the first

Sunday of summer.”

Julian was pacing, eyeing the crowds like they might be

filled with hidden assassins gunning for him. Kelly would

have been amused by it, but he had to acknowledge that it

might actually be true.

“What’s our plan?” JD asked them.

Nick pursed his lips, his expression mostly hidden behind

his sunglasses. He lowered his head. Kelly glanced from him

to JD with a wince, then looked over to Julian, who simply


“Do we have a plan?” JD asked, sounding a little more


“You’re the treasure hunter,” Nick told him.

“Look, I’m not a hound dog who’ll point on command,