“You said there were more pieces stolen when this was?”
Kelly asked. “I bet together, they form a complete cipher.”
Nick nodded toward Paddy. “Any ideas?”
“The other pieces, I can’t help you with,” Paddy told them.
“You can imagine that stealing the Irish Crown Jewels brought
enough attention; keeping them together as a collection
would have been . . .”
“Stupid,” Nick provided.
Paddy gave them that crooked grin again, and again it
made Kelly uneasy.
“Where the other pieces ended up, I don’t know. You
could speak to our . . . brethren in New York. Chicago. But
even I can’t get a cop through their doors for a treasure hunt, kiddo.”
Nick’s jaw tightened and he nodded.
“Maybe there’s more etched in the stones,” JD said. He
pointed to the jeweler’s loupe Nosebleed was bringing them.
They were all silent as JD examined the stones for markings.
After a few minutes, he sighed and set the star brooch and the
loupe down on the cushion. “Nothing.”
“Where does that leave us?” Julian asked.
“With a very expensive . . . copy,” Nick answered, voice
gone soft with defeat. His eyes were locked on Paddy’s.
“Well,” Paddy said, and he clapped his hands together.
“It seems our meeting has come to an end.” He climbed to
his feet, and they all stood with him. He reached for Nick’s
hand, shaking it warmly, and a moment later he pulled Nick
into another hug. For an infamous mob boss, he sure did seem
fond of the police.
This time, Nick returned the embrace a bit more sincerely.