Page 57 of Monsters After Dark

Hearing my warnings, he paused and glanced at me, several of his eyes narrowing when his gaze caught mine. Immediately his many long flesh talons rose into the air waving at me. I think he may have even inflated himself to appear more threatening when he hissed his language at me. How dare he! I responded by rattling louder and threatening to raise my crown quillens. My barked huffs were shorter and more aggressive, letting him know his presence offended me.

His flesh talons picked up debris from the ground, throwing them in my direction. I was too far away for them to touch me but I recognized his combative behavior. If he wanted aggression, I would bring him aggression!

I started down the ledge towards the feeding grounds.

* * *


I arose from the water,my limbs raising me up once the delicate waves delivered me to the surface and deposited me on the grains. Suddenly basking in the bright warmth, I took a moment to greet the day. Yet again I lived to see a turn of the brightness, and for this I was grateful.

The rumbling of my innards disturbed my peace and I glanced towards the land-food source area. I was aware new beings had come, and we were told to avoid them, but my nature was curious and I hoped to see one. Usually, all I saw were the noisies.

The noisies lived in the hole in the rocks just above the sand. There was a group of them but one in particular made aggressive noises — sharp guttural barks and threats — and we grew tired of them long enough that we tended to keep our distance. It was simply not our way.

But today? Today I see one of them making hate eyes at me and shaking himself. This one I have seen before many times. Often we rise at the same period and my existence he instantly takes offense to. Most awakenings I try to ignore him because I do not like his noise and threats, and he never brings me any peace.

He seems like he might also be making noises at me again this day but luckily I am too far to have to deal with him. Once again I stand tall and wave my limbs at him in greeting. I try each day. He responds harshly, as usual, so today I mock his threatening movements.

There was one in every group. And in that group, he was that one.

I shook off my angst and moved towards the land-food source. I heard more aggressive rattling and I stopped to eye him. “What now?” I yelled, asking him.

He slammed his limbs to the ground in jerky movements and waved his color blades at me. It was to be one of those awakenings, it seemed. Already this being made me feel tired.

I puffed up to my full height, picking up stone rounds and wood brokens and waving them before half-heartedly throwing them in his direction. How did he like it? What a glurk!

He rattled louder and I turned and completely ignored him, choosing instead to seek out food. Maybe I would finally get to see one of the new beings.

* * *


Guesswhat I got to see today — the Aviarids and the Octocephs interacting!

I had to name them in order to send info to the UGF, so here we are. But as I was saying, they interacted and I watched. However, I don’t know what I witnessed.

When I snuck into the area they forage in, I came across two of them attempting to communicate. They were at the beach still so I watched from behind the trees, hidden amongst the foliage and some kind of bramble.

I think the Aviarid had a temper tantrum, but I am not quite sure. Maybe it was a seizure? There was some odd barking, and he rattled his ‘feathers’ while stomping the ground. And the Octoceph waggled his tentacles at him. I couldn’t tell if it was friendly or not. Only half his six eyes were on the Aviarid though, the rest were eyeing the trees.

Then they both suddenly stopped and went to grab food while still warily watching each other.

I think they knew someone else was there, even though I stayed hidden. They purposely chose the tree I was behind, instead of any of the others, and were slow as they chose their fruit. Cautious, even.

They seemed big from afar but were even larger up close. At 5’4”, I felt like I was standing near football players. They were at least a foot taller than me and twice as wide. It’s harder to tell with the Octoceph, but man that Aviarid is buff! He those shoulders he would have to angle to fit through a doorway.

The Octoceph was the first to depart and before he did one of his pieces of fruit rolled down a tentacle and into the dense bramble I was peeking out from, landing just a few feet from me. I nearly panicked. The Aviarid huffed, staring between the fruit and the Octoceph like he was offended. When the Octoceph walked away, the Aviarid seemed confused, staring between the tree and the spot where the fruit rolled to, like he was expecting something. He left a minute or two later, seeming reluctant. They didn’t fight after that though, they just went back to their sides of the beach.

When it was safe I came out from behind my tree and picked up the fruit and brought it back with me. The physicians here all swear that it is safe for me to eat and that we don’t have them regularly only because there are no fruit trees on our section of land. I don’t know what this fruit is called but it is the size of a grapefruit, has a thicker outer skin like an apple, and the inside taste and consistency reminds me of a very sweet peach. It had five small round seeds inside so I stole a bowl from the canteen and dirt from near the fruit trees, and I planted the seeds. That area seemed lusher than ours so I am hoping the soil is nice and fertile. It’s in the window of my little sleeping quarters soaking up rays.

* * *


The past few turns,something has changed with the very aggressive noisy. Instead of making hate eyes and sharp sounds and shaking his color blades, he simply stands and watches me.

Today I stood still and returned his gaze. I have not waved my limbs at him in greeting either, as last time he chose to come to me at the land-food source and nearly feared the newcomer hiding behind the foods.