"I came up here to change before going to find you," he said, nearly whispering. "I didn't think to refuse her when she knocked on the door."

"I continuously underestimate the depths Camellia will sink to, just to appease her own impulses," I growled at the water. "If I'd known, I would've warned you or prepared the guards."

"Which of these is yours?" Owen asked, and I looked to find him naked down to his toes and examining the array of bottles on a small shelf by the end of the tub.

"Mm, I like these two best," I said, leaning forward and tapping a small gold and glass bottle of violet oil as well as a small pot of an herbal blend the maid had recommended. I added them to the water under Owen's supervision, stirring my hand through it as the tub began to fill.

We stood in the quiet rush of water together, not touching, not speaking. There was a rising anger burning in my chest, and while the vast majority of it was for Camellia and her actions, there was a tiny morsel I didn't understand that was more painful and reserved for Owen.

He lowered himself into the water as I stared down at my hands gripping the ledge of the golden tub.

"I should've stopped it," Owen said.

I shook my head. "This is Camellia, Owen. You're not to blame."

"I knew she was being too flirtatious," Owen said. "I just assumed… You always worried over using your Hunger on me, Bryony, but it was nothing like that. Your magic asked for what I already wanted to give. When I tried to stand up and leave, and she grabbed my leg, ithurt."

I busied myself by grabbing a soft cloth and dipping it into the water, moving to kneel behind Owen so I could wash his back as he curled forward with his arms around his knees.

"It never felt good, but it also didn't stop my body from reacting. If you hadn't walked in when you did —"

"Owen, I'm so sorry," I breathed, leaning into the edge of the tub, feeling the press of the ledge digging uncomfortably into my chest.

"Bryony, why are you apologizing?"

"Why did you?" I cried, the cloth slapping into the water as Owen twisted to face me. "This wasn't your fault! I should've known to be more careful. She hurt you! She would've, could've done more if Grandmother hadn't let me leave when she did."

"Shhh," Owen murmured, dripping hands reaching for me. "Nothingreallyhappened. I didn't let her kiss me."

"You shouldn't be comforting me," I moaned. "I'm comforting you!"

"You're shaking, Bryony," Owen said, kissing my forehead. "You'd better join me."

I should've refused and gone back to washing him, but I stood and wrestled myself out of my dress and slip and stockings, sliding eagerly into the water and leaning into Owen's side, my face tucked against his neck.

"I love you," Owen whispered.

"I love you too."

"No magic would change that I am yours."

I sighed and kissed Owen's pulse, nodding. The sting in my chest softened, and I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, the pair of us resting together in the water. It was warm there, especially with Owen next to me, and the weariness of expending magic I hadn't earned weighed heavily on my eyelids.

"Still…I will make Camellia pay for daring to try to steal you from me," I growled, eyes falling shut.

"I think Thao would say it's the gentleman who defends the lady's honor," Owen said. "But for myself, I wouldn't mind watching you show her her place."


"Yours, always."

I tried to resist the urge, but I leaned up then for a firm, biting kiss of his lips, careful to stop before the Hunger might try to claim the moment. Owen didn't resist the kiss, but he didn't encourage it further either, and I wanted him to know he was more to me than his cock.

Maybe Cosmo was right and I needed to speak to Aric. Having the Hunger was all well and good if it secured me the crown, but I knew now it could be used as a weapon against my enemies. Against my own Chosen if wielded by my sister. I needed the upper hand.

And I wanted a measure of revenge.