My body protestedwhen I slid away from Em’s warm, naked embrace and from beneath the thick blankets piled on the bed. Goose bumps prickled my bare skin the second the cool air touched me, working a shiver down my spine.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Em asked, catching me around the hip before I could stand. The skin on my ass still stung, flesh aching when he tugged me over the soft sheets.
It was the first time he’d ever really laid into me like that in public… and,God,was it good. I didn’t even realize I needed it until I saw the whipped cream and candy cane pieces clinging to his shirt.
I’d been mortified by what I’d done and couldn’t get the hell out of there fast enough.
I went too far. I figured he would leave me to find my own way back to the chalet.
He should have.
He didn’t.
He barely even batted an eye, then went full-on daddy mode. After what happened in the bathroom, I figured we’d go straight back to our place.
Apparently, his daddy mode didn’t end with reddening my ass and calming me down. He made me go back to the café where I’d just caused a scene and sit on my freshly paddled ass and eat the sandwiches I’d ordered. He’d even had a fresh peppermint mocha brought over. We drew some stares, and my face was probably as crimson as the skin beneath my clothes, but Em remained unbothered as if he didn’t even notice.
Obviously, I wanted to leave. Just take the food and go. He gave me a level, unblinking glare and told me to sit there and eat my lunch because I needed the energy. He must have been right because, after a couple forced bites, I realized I was ravenous and attacked the rest of the food. When he put part of his in front of me, I ate that too.
Only after I’d eaten more than my share and drained an entire glass of water and my mocha did he say we could go. The chalet was empty and quiet when we got back, and we went right to the room. There, he stripped me down, slathered my ass and thighs with cream, and then wrung another two orgasms out of me.
A few hours later, I was well-fed, well-fucked, and loved better than I thought possible.
“It sounds like everyone’s back,” I answered, hearing the faint sounds of voices and doors opening and closing.
“All the more reason to stay in this bed.”
I let myself relax against him, breathing deep the scent of sex still lingering on his skin. He nibbled across my shoulder to the underside of my jaw. My skin stung slightly from the beard burn he’d already left behind.
“I told Jess I’d help her with her dress.” I reminded him.
“And I told you I wasn’t letting you out of my sight the rest of the day,” he countered. “You can help her tomorrow.”
“But we have the rehearsal dinner and everything,” I said. “Plus—ungh.” My sentence turned into a grunt when he pushed his arm between my legs and strongarmed me on top of him, lifting his thigh between mine.
I rubbed against him like a cat.
“Plus what?” he asked.
“Huh?” It took a moment to remember I’d been talking, and when I did, I scowled at him. “Stop distracting me.”
“I like you distracted.”
“Exactly why I need to do this now.”
He pulled back. “Explain.”
“I’m a little nervous about giving her the gift I got for her, so now’s a good time because I’m relaxed and achy from three orgasms and a spanking.”
His palm cupped the side of my face. “She’s going to love it, baby.”
“You really think?” I debated.
“Mmm.” He agreed. “You know I’m so proud of you. You’ve really made an effort to get closer to everyone. I know it’s been hard.”
It was hard. I lost a lot of confidence in people and in myself when my twin sister died. When my parents abandoned me and I ruined my relationship with Rush. When that kind of trust is broken, things are never quite the same. My eyes were more cynical. Heart hardened. I somehow grew conditioned to see the worst in people—even myself.