I glanced at it a moment, then briefly shook it. “Emmett.”
“I guess I’ll have to work on that. Especially since this is only day two out of eight. I got a lot more aches and pains heading my way.”
“Well, good luck.”
I never said I was a talker. What should I have done? Invite him to sit down so I could read him his fortune?
I started away, but he called my name. I turned back.
His windburned cheeks seemed to deepen in color. “I don’t suppose you have any time to give an out-of-practice guy some tips.”
“Some tips,” I repeated.
He nodded. “Yeah, you know, on the slopes.”
“He’s busy,” a new voice interjected into the conversation. Bodhi stepped around me, two mugs in his hands. One was piled with whipped cream and candy cane sprinkles and the other with a reasonable amount of whipped cream and no sprinkles.
“Oh,” Callum said, eyes swinging to Bodhi and then back to me. “I didn’t realize you were on a family trip. What a nice way to spend some father-son time.”
My brain was sputtering… throwing up error codes like it couldn’t possibly compute.
Dear God, he thinks Bodhi is my son.
The sound of mugs plunking down on a nearby table barely registered. Nor did the arms looping around my neck. But the body rubbing against mine got a few synapses firing.
I blinked, glancing down at Goldilocks who was acting like a piece of saran wrap and plastering himself against me.
“Well, I do call himDaddy.”
The other man’s eyes widened. Then widened more. “Oh.Oh.”
“Don’t act so surprised,” Bodhi said, his brain obviously working just fine. “Clearly, you see how irresistible he is. That’s why you’re over here trying to eat.”
Callum’s face puzzled. “Eat?”
Apparently, he was not hip with the new-gen lingo, and clearly, I wasn’t as old as I thought because I knew exactly what Bodhi meant.
I also knew he was seething with jealousy.
Ah, sweet satisfaction.
Bodhi turned so his back was plastered against my front like a little jealous blond shield. He went as far as twisting his arms behind him to wrap around to me.
“Let me make it clear. He’s mine. In every way. So get lost before your limp turns into something more serious.”
“Bodhi,” I warned.
He glanced over his shoulder, his blue eyes narrowing. “Don’t try me, Emmett.”
I raised an eyebrow.
“I read the situation wrong. I apolo?—”