I kissed her quick, then begrudgingly turned off the shower and grabbed a heated towel from the warmer.
“Hey, J?”
I glanced up at what I heard in her voice, tucking the ends of the towel beneath her chin. “What’s up, Maddie baby?”
“Rory said something to me before.”
“Now’s not a good time to talk about my sister. I’m naked.”
“It’s about Ryan.”
I paused. “Oh, what’s up?”
She scowled. “So you can talk about Ryan while naked?”
“I don’t make the rules, baby.”
She started away.
I grabbed her from behind and lifted her off her feet. She squealed, and I carried her out to the massage table, which had a stack of clothes lying on it.
“Hey, why are my clothes here?”
“I had Helga bring them in.”
“Why do you call her that?”
“What else am I supposed to call her?” I wondered.
“Her actual name,” Maddie proposed.
I wrinkled my nose. “I don’t know it.”
“You could have asked,” she pointed out.
“What did you want to say about Ryan?” I asked, finding my sweats on the floor.
She went to a white robe hanging nearby. I made a sound and pointed at her clothes.
“I have a blowout scheduled.”
“I canceled it.”
She gasped. It was hella dramatic. Nearly sucked all the air out of the room. “Why would you do that?”
“I told you. I didn’t just come in here for a wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am. I got romance.”
The towel around her fell into a puddle at her feet, and her fists landed on her naked hips. “Jamie Michael Owens, explain to me how canceling my salon appointment is romantic?”
“I’m about to cancel our date too if you don’t put on some clothes.”
Interest sparked in her face. “A date?”
“That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you,” I explained. “I’m not waiting until tonight to sneak off with you. You’re mine the rest of the afternoon.”
“I’m yours for the rest of our lives, Jay.”
“Come kiss me with that sweet mouth.”