Page 67 of Wedlocked

“Makes all the wiggling around okay,” said the lady doing my foot massage.

“Oh! I’m sorry. I’ll try and sit still,” I told her, and she laughed. “But after this hug,” I added apologetically even though I wasn’t sorry at all.

I flung myself at Jess, squeezing her tight. “Sisters for life,” I whispered.

Jess smiled and then hugged Landry and Rory.

“But what about you?” I asked once I’d slid on the bracelet and settled into the seat. “You need one too.”

Jess pushed back the sleeve of her robe, revealing an identical bracelet to ours. “I got one too.”

“Hey, there’s another one,” Landry said. “Oh my God, it’s adorable!” she said, pulling another bracelet from beneath the card with the saying.

“Did you make these?” Rory exclaimed, holding up the friendship bracelet.

It was made with alternating pink and black beads and a row of white beads with black letters in the center that spelled out BRIDESMAID.

“Yes.” Jess held her wrist out once more. “Mine says bride.”

I slipped the second bracelet on beside the gold one and smiled. “I love weddings.”

“Me too!” Rory giggled.

“So who do you think will be next?” Landry mused, sipping her champagne.

“Hmm.” I considered. “Max and Wes?”

“I could see that.” Rory agreed.

“I was thinking maybe Ryan and Rory,” Landry said.

“Me?” Rory exclaimed. “Why?”

“Because Ryan is practically feral about you,” Landry teased.

“Well, if that’s how we’re measuring it, then you girls will be right after me,” she quipped.

“So you’d say yes if he asked?” Landry probed, a twinkle in her eye.

“You wouldn’t?” Rory countered.

“Oh, I definitely would,” Landry mused. “But I think Jay will hold out as long as possible just to annoy my dad.”

I laughed. “Seems like something he would do.”

“What about you, Madison?” Rory called. “Would you say yes if my brother asked you to marry him?”

My heart tumbled just thinking of Jamie with a ring in his hand. For so long, I couldn’t imagine ever wanting to be in a relationship, let alone get married. But Jamie changed all that. He changed me.

“I’d say yes,” I confirmed. “But it’s going to be a while for us. After this vacation, Jamie’s going to buckle down on training to get ready for the Olympic qualifiers. They’re late this spring. He needs to focus on that. It’s his dream.”

“That’s going to take a lot of commitment and hours,” Landry said.

I nodded. “It will, but I honestly think he can do it. I’ll be there the whole way.”

Landry smiled. “I think he can do it too. Maybe our next big event won’t be a wedding at all but watching Jamie get a medal.”

“Now that sounds like an amazing time,” I said, finishing off my bubbly.