Bodhi turned shy, blue eyes dipping toward the floor.
“You really wouldn’t mind helping?” I asked.
He glanced up. “No. I brought a small kit too. Probably have what we need.”
“That would be really great. Thanks, Bodhi,” I said, offering him a smile.
He went shy again and turned away to get some coffee. Emmett caught my eye and winked.
“Today is the girls spa day.” I went on. “So maybe we could look at the dress tonight or tomorrow morning?”
“Sure,” Bodhi said. “Just let me know.”
“What are you guys going to do today while us girls are at the spa anyway?” Landry asked, dunking some bread into an egg mixture for French toast.
“We rented snowmobiles. So while you girls are getting washed and painted, us bros are gonna be ripping up the snow trails,” Ben answered.
Washed and painted?Just what did he think people did at the spa?
“Well, be careful ripping up the trails. You have a wedding to attend in two days,” I told him, going over to plop back in his lap.
“Don’t you worry, final girl,” he murmured, nuzzling my cheek. He hadn’t shaved, so his stubble tickled my jaw. “I’ll be there. Nothing will keep me away.”
“I feelsorry the boys are all out in the cold, missing this.” I sighed, settling into the massage chair.
“Something tells me they wouldn’t appreciate it anyway,” Jess mused, then giggled. “Ben thinks we’re here to get washed and painted.”
“Well…” Rory lifted one of her feet from the warm water they were currently soaking in. “I guess he’s not too far off. Wearegetting our toes painted.”
The four of us laughed.
“Don’t get me wrong. I like outdoor snow sports, but this is much more up my alley,” Rory added.
“Honestly, it’s so much quieter without them here,” Landry mused.
I glanced down the row at my three besties, all of us wearing the fluffiest of white robes, champagne in hand, massage chairs vibrating as we all received luxury pedicures. We’d already spent thirty minutes in a bubbling hot tub with a mini waterfall andgotten manicures. Next up were facials. After that, we were getting private hour-long massages and sleek blowouts.
“Rory, how are you feeling after yesterday?” I asked, recalling how scary it was to watch her literally fall through the ice and disappear.
“After a night with Ryan and a day at the spa with you girls, it’s nothing but a memory,” she said.
“I think Ryan took it harder than you,” Landry said. “If Jamie hadn’t leaped forward and grabbed his feet, he probably would have thrown his whole body in the lake after you.”
My stomach dipped, picturing Jamie laid out, holding on to Ryan, as the ice cracked beneath him. Ryan ended up fully submerged, and Jamie’s chest was too. It all happened so fast, but the replay in my mind felt like an eternity.
“I know. I’m sorry to worry everyone, but I couldn’t let that little boy fall in,” Rory said.
“His mother was so grateful,” Jess said. “I’m glad everyone is okay.”
“Me too.” I agreed.
“Sooo, Jess,” Landry said, leaning forward a little. “How does it feel to know you’re about to be Mrs. Kruger in like a day?”
“Like I had too much champagne and I’m fantasizing,” she replied, sipping more of the golden bubbly.