Page 63 of Wedlocked

Arsen walked into the room, phone in hand. “Matthew, someone wants to talk to you.”

Matty fidgeted, glancing at Arsen for reassurance. “Who is it?”

“It’s okay, baby. Just take the phone.”

Matty made no move to take it, so Arsen held it for him, pushing it against his ear.

“Hello?” Matty asked.

His eyes widened and flew up to Arsen who smiled and nodded encouragingly.

“Mr. Andrews,” Matty said. He nodded at the phone. “Bennett.”

I heard Arsen’s dad speaking on the other end of the call, but I couldn’t make out what he said.

A moment later, Matty looked over at me and Ben. “Yes, that’s okay. It would be great.” He nodded again. “I’m sure. Thank you for asking.”

“What’s going on?” Ben wanted to know.

“I’ll ask now,” Matty said, then pulled away from the phone and turned to us. “Arsen’s dad said he can marry you.”

“What?” Ben exclaimed, so excited he stood, pulling me up with him, cradling me bridal style. “For real?”

Arsen nodded. “All he has to do is fill out some forms, and his office can push them through immediately. The ceremony and marriage will be official. He can even take your marriage certificate and have it filed with the state afterward.”

“He’d do that?” I asked, a little catch in my throat. How did I get so lucky to have so many amazing people in my life?

“You’re family,” Matty said.

“You okay with that, P?” Ben asked even though I could feel him vibrating with excitement. I knew he wanted to say yes. But he held back because he wanted to make sure having Arsen’s parents in house wouldn’t be too much for him.

Matty nodded. “Bro, yeah. You gotta get your marry on.”

Ben made a sound and rushed across the room, dumping me into Matty’s arms and then throwing his arms around us both.

“That’s going to be a yes,” Arsen said into the phone. “I appreciate it, Dad.”

“I have to say having a Senator to call when shit goes south sure is handy around here,” Rush mused from the stove.

Landry elbowed him in the ribs.

“I ain’t mad at it,” Ben hollered.

“I’ll text you the address,” Arsen said into the line. “See you tomorrow.” The second he finished the call, he smirked. “Are you even a politician’s son if you don’t use it to your advantage?”

Ben threw himself at Arsen, and the two men rocked backward. Arsen let out a surprised grunt, and Ben pounded on his back with his hands. “Bro. I won’t ever forget this. I’m sorry about half the stuff I ever said about you.”

“Just half?” Arsen mused.

“This is way better than ski poles.”

Arsen laughed.

Matty sat me gently on my feet. “You okay with this?”

I nodded eagerly. “I’m so happy everyone can be here for it.”

“Gram gets in later this afternoon.” He reminded me.