Page 54 of Wedlocked

Win: He didn’t have anything in him. It was in her all night.

Madison: OMG! That is vulgar. It’s far too early for this.

Prism: *coffee cup emoji* *green face emoji*

Jamie: Brooo, that’s my sister you’re talking about.

Ryan: You all think I’m all about Elite, but really, my girl is first.

Kruger: I’ll cross wellness check for R&R off the list since he just gave proof of life.

Arsen: Judging from the sounds coming from Max & Wes’s room last night, maybe someone should do a wellness check on them.

Win: Brooo, that’s my brother!

Jamie: Don’t you mean brotherS? That’s what I call karma.

Coach: Is this what happens when you don’t have early a.m. swim practice? Bunch of derelicts.

Win: We heard the sounds coming out of your room too, Coach. *smirk emoji*

Bodhi: *smirk emoji*

Landry: OMG! That’s my dad!

Kruger: You see what happens when Ryan goes all DIY. Landry is scarred for life.

Rush: Hell, I am too.

Prism: *boy raising hand emoji*

Ryan: This is my fault how…?

Kruger: I don’t have time to explain it to you. I got husband shit to do.

Max: Maybe someone should do a wellness check on Jess. She can’t be okay if she’s about to marry this moron.

Kruger: I liked it better when all you did was leave the chat.

Jamie: I’m going back to bed. Don’t text me again until the sun is up.



T-minus two days.

In two days, I would have locked my girl down. Jessica May Park would officially be Jessica May Kruger.

I don’t want to hear nothing about me giving my girl the name of a serial killer. She loves horror movies. Besides, didn’t I already tell you? It’s spelled different.

I was so close to accomplishing what I’d been working toward for years that I could practically taste it. And damn, what a sweet flavor.

Just a few more minor details to work out and it would be smooth sailing to the altar. Well, the back deck of this castle, but same difference, right?

I mean, I’d much rather get married in the fresh winter air with a view that was as endless as the possibilities of our life together than at some old stuffy altar. No offense to you bros who prefer that. Different strokes for different folks and all.

I hit a few more keys on the keyboard and then sat back, completely satisfied. Smirking, I glanced at my phone lyingbeside the laptop. Bunch of posers still sleeping it up in bed while I was out here being epic.