Max’s tongue slid over his teeth. “I ever see him again, I’m going to kill him.”
“You can have his corpse afterI’mdone killing him,” Win argued.
Wes glided closer. “Are you okay?” he asked me.
At least he was normal. The other two were still standing around plotting murder.
I nodded. “Yeah. Just, ah, had some flashbacks is all,” I said by way of explanation.
“I know a good way you can forget,” Wes said, mischief in his tone.
“What’s that?” I mused.
“Leave my brother in the dust on this mountain.” The pure glee Wes found in the idea of that alone made me laugh.
But then that little niggle of doubt wormed its way back in. “Do you think it would make him mad?”
Wes pulled up his goggles and met my gaze. “He won’t get mad. You’re safe with him. With all of us.”
“Even Max? He looks like he belongs in a gang in that outfit.”
Wes laughed. So loud that the arguing idiots looked over at us.
“What’s so funny?” Win wanted to know.
Wes slapped me on the shoulder. “They’re only dangerous to people who threaten us. But you? You can do whatever you want.”
“Get your asses to the lift. I want to see Lars outski Win,” Max called.
After jamming the glove back on my hand, I skied over to the three and we went to the lift. After a short wait in line, Win and I were side by side, heading higher up the mountain.
I glanced down at the run in time to see a figure in a bright-red coat ski past another figure in blue.Jamie and Ryan.
“You doing okay?” Win asked, drawing my attention.
I turned to him and smiled, swinging my feet a little in the air. “I’m good,min hund,” I said, laying my cheek on his shoulder.
“If you get any more bad feelings or memories, I want to know.”
“And what are you going to do?”
“Chase them away.”
“Ja.” I agreed.
Snow started falling, the large flakes never in a straight line, always zig-zagging and fluttering every which way.
“They fall like they’re drunk,” I mused.
“Thayyy tath guud,” Win enunciated, and I lifted my head to see his nose in the air, mouth wide open, and tongue hanging out.
“Min hund,” I groaned. “What are you doing?”
“Tasting the sky,” he said and patted my thigh. “C’mon, angel, have a taste.”
I stared, and he patted my thigh again. Sighing, I stuck out my tongue, and after a moment, a snowflake dropped onto my tongue. I made a sound of surprise as it melted instantly.
“Doesn’t taste as good as me,” Win whispered in my ear.