When he pulled back, he kissed my temple. “Better go fix your makeup. Kinda look like a raccoon.”
I gasped and ran for the bathroom.
He laughed.
“Matthew Miller Andrews!” I yelled. “You better not be teasing your sister on her wedding day.”
“I’ll meet you downstairs.”
“Wait!” I called, turning back from the bathroom. “There’s something I want to ask you.”
I nodded. “It’s important.”
He straightened. “Okay.”
A wave of nerves rolled through me, and I bit down on my lower lip. But then I caught sight of the gift he’d given me, and the nerves receded. “I was wondering if you would give me away.”
He blinked. Then realization dawned. “Like now? At the wedding?”
I nodded. “I just planned to walk down the aisle alone. I didn’t think it mattered…” My voice trailed away.
But it does matter.
“I’ll do it,” he answered, faster than I expected.
“You will?”
“Of course I will. But you’re lucky it’s Ben. ‘Cause I wouldn’t give you to anyone else.”
I pressed my hand against my chest.
“Jess?” He came forward, concern drawing his brows down. “Are you okay?”
I nodded. “I’m fine. I just… I’m so happy.”
“Look kinda constipated.”
I gasped.
He laughed. “C’mon. My brother is waiting for you. But I warn you. I might change my mind down there and decide you’re too good even for him.”
I smiled. “You wouldn’t.”
“I might.”
“Let me fix my face.”
“I’ll wait.”
I rushed into the bathroom to do damage control. Matty was a little lying liar because it wasn’t so bad that I looked like a raccoon. But I did need some touchups and some powder. Good thing for waterproof mascara and setting spray.
After applying a fresh coat of pink lipstick and some gloss, I stepped back, smoothed my skirt, and looked in the mirror.
Today, I’m a bride.
Tomorrow, I’ll be a wife.